Why should you have us mow for you? Here's why - you get reliable service each week and quality service each and every cut. We handle every property with care and my staff has all the experience and equipment needed to make sure each and every cut is done right. The grass will be mowed weekly or bi-weekly at 3" - 4'' high to help maintain a thick, weed-free lawn. In addition, our lawn mowing crews have a route sheet with notes on each customer's property detailing areas on the lawn or property that could be problematic when mowing. We keep notes on all of our customer's yards so we may better serve them. We gather this information on your lawn and property when you meet one of our sales members so we may better serve you. We are here to enhance your home's or business' lawn by providing mowing service and not to cause damage. When selecting a lawn mowing company, look no further. We are fully equipped to handle any size lawn and feel that have we taken all of the proper steps to ensure quality and reliable service each and every cut.